Friday 14 June 2013

Photography ISU

Thursday 13 June 2013

Black and White Flim Assignment

Black & White Flim

"Old Truck"
Black & White Flim

"Up in the Trees"
Black & White Flim

"The Escarpment"
Black & White Flim

"Sand Pit"
Black & White Flim

Friday 26 April 2013

Assignment #3- Cindy Sherman Portraits

My Shotplan

"Reference Photo"
Persona Portrait

"My Reference Photo"

"Behind the Smile"
Persona Portrait
Artist Statement:
I chose to do my persona portrait about abusive relationships. In this photo I have cuts and bruises all over my face and a man's hands choking my neck. I'm playing a young girl in a abusive relationship and this photo is the moment where the man feature is caught literally red handed on how he is treating the girl. I decided to do this  portrait photo about abusive relationships because they are everywhere and are happening all the time. But most people find it very uncomfortable to talk about and this topic is usually brushed off and pushed into the dark. I displayed this in my photo by using my light sources, the darkness in this photo represents this problem being pushed into the dark and left not talked about. Then the spotlight on my face symbolizes the reality of this horrible issue and how it needs to be stopped, talked about and fixed. Overall, I am very pleased with how this photo came out and message it gives.
Photo Credits: Maddy Rudzinski


For my self-portrait photo I had a million ideas of what I wanted to do but, they weren't working out the way  I wanted them to or how I planned they would. So, for this photo I decided to do a sample setting and have me stand out to represent how I am a positive, outgoing and free person.